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Cati Foss

Group Dog Walk Schedule

Cutting it super close, but here is the upcoming Fit Dog group walk schedule for the next 3 months on the OR side.

Cati will not have any group classes starting in March, but will resume in April at Astoria Animal Hospital!

February Classes

Cati’s February group classes. These classes are held at the KOA in Hammond, OR in the Smores Activity Building. 1100 NW Ridge Rd, Hammond, OR 97121

Please check with Cati to see if there is room in the class you wish to attend. To register you must complete a form at arnicadia.com/registration

Manners/Obedience 1 is FULL. If you register at this point, you will not be accepted into the February class.

January Class Schedule

Classes will be held at the KOA in Hammond, OR in the Smores Activity Building. Please go to arnicadia.com/registration to enroll. Prices can be found on the registration form. Please contact Cati to find out if there is enough room to guarantee a spot.

Group Class Schedule October-December

Classes will be held at the KOA in Hammond in the Smores Activity Building. 1100 NW Ridge Rd, Hammond, OR 97121. Speed limit is 5mph on the campground. Dogs must be 10 weeks or older to participate and cannot have any known aggression issues. Dogs should not be approaching each other before, during, or after class without express permission from Cati. Anyone wanting to sign up must fill out a form at arnicadia.com/registration. Please check with Cati prior to signing up if there is space in the class.

Urban Manners has the following locations:

1- Garden of Surging Waves (Petworks if it’s raining badly)
2- Columbia Maritime Museum (JoAnn if it’s raining badly)
3- Port of Astoria off of Basin St (Tractor Supply if it’s raining badly)
4- Tapiola Park (Home Depot if it’s raining badly)


Monday      – 10/7-10/28 @ 4pm Manners/ Obedience 3
– 10/7-11/4 @ 6pm Rally Obedience
Tuesday     – 10/8-10/29 @ 4pm Intro to Scent Discrimination
      – 10/8-10/29 @ 6pm Manners/ Obedience 2
Wednesday- 10/9-10/30 @ 4pm Urban Manners
      –  10/9-10/30 @ 6pm Manners/ Obedience 1


Monday      – 11/11-12/2  @ 4pm Manners/ Obedience 1
      – 11/11-12/9 @ 6pm Canine Good Citizen
Tuesday     – 11/12-12/3 @ 4pm Urban Manners
      – 11/12-12/3 @ 6pm Manners/ Obedience 3
Wednesday- 11/13-12/11@ 4pm Rally Obedience
       – 11/13-12/4 @ 6pm Manners/ Obedience 2


Monday      – 12/16-1/13 @ 4pm Manners/ Obedience 2 (No class 12/23)
Tuesday     – 12/17-1/14 @ 4pm Urban Manners (No class 12/24)
      – 12/10-1/14 @ 6pm Manners/ Obedience 1 (No class 12/24-12/31)
Wednesday- 12/11-1/15   @ 6pm Manners/ Obedience 3 (No class 12/25-1/1)

June-August Dog Walks

To participate, you must be a current or previous client of Arnicadia or a current client of The Grooming Garage. Both Netul Landing and Fort to Sea walk will be meeting at the RV parking lot beside Fort Clatsop. If you need to know the meeting location of any of these walks, please text me before the morning of the walk as many of these locations do not have good cell phone reception.

July-September Group Class Schedule

Classes will be held at Astoria Animal Hospital in the fenced in field. 35109 US-101 Business, Astoria, OR 97103.

All teams must wait for Cati to arrive before entering the field. Dogs must be 10 weeks or older to participate and cannot have any known aggression issues. Dogs should not be approaching each other before, during, or after class without express permission from Cati.

Anyone wanting to sign up must fill out a form at arnicadia.com/registration. Please check with Cati prior to signing up if there is space in the class.

Upcoming Dog Walks – May

Suggested donation of $10 to go to the person hosting the walk as listed below.

Cati’s walk schedule for May. These walks are all at 9am.

5/7- Columbia Maritime Museum
5/14- Fort to Sea Trail (meet at the free parking lot by Fort Clatsop)
5/21- Gearhart Golf Course (meet by the post office/ fire department)
5/28- Battery Russell

Bonus walks from Cati:

FitDog Scurry 5k (not a run, but a 3.1 mile walk minimum)
May 19 2pm Battery Russell

Heather’s schedule (5pm):

May 2 – Seaview discovery trail
May 9 Sid Snyder
May 16 Ilwaco
May 23 beards hollow discovery trail
May 30 Bolstad discovery trail

Bonus walks from Heather:

Sniffari (slow and short walk)
June 9th 2pm Cape Disappointment

Cati’s Upcoming group schedule

Cati’s upcoming group schedule. All of these classes will be held in the fenced in field beside Astoria Animal Hospital (with the exception of Tracking and potentially Rally,) located at 35109 US-101 Business, Astoria, OR 97103.

To enroll, you will sign up at arnicadia.com/registration

Group Class Schedule April-June


Monday – 4/1-4/22 @ 4pm Manners/ Obedience 3
– 4/1-4/29 @ 6pm Rally Obedience
Tuesday – 4/2-4/23 @ 6pm Manners/ Obedience 2
Wednesday- 4/3-4/24 @ 6pm Manners/ Obedience 1


Monday – 5/6-5/27 @ 4pm Manners/ Obedience 1
Tuesday – 4/30-5/28 @ 6pm Manners/ Obedience 3 (No class 5/14)
Wednesday – 5/8-5/29 @ 6pm Manners/ Obedience 2


Monday – 6/3-6/24 @ 4pm Manners/ Obedience 2
– 6/10-7/22@ 6pm CGC (No class 7/1 or 7/8)
Tuesday – 6/4-6/25 @ 6pm Manners/ Obedience 1
Wednesday- 6/12-7/10@ 4pm Rally Obedience
– 6/5-6/26 @ 6pm Manners/ Obedience 3

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