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December 2318

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Canine Good Citizen

This AKC CGC prep class will meet for 5 weeks in a row for approximately 1 hour the first 4 weeks and for testing the 5th week for the dogs that don’t pass the test in week 4. Cost is $150 for all sessions. If all dogs pass on week 4, we can do CGCA/U or Trick Dog testing in week 5.


Class is held in the Hammond KOA. COVID-19 restrictions include: you must check in at the front office for a pass to be on the campground, class will be held in the Bigfoot Building in the back of the campground (follow the signs that read BFB,) only 1 handler allowed per dog per county restrictions of limiting gatherings to 10 people or less and mandatory contact tracing accountability. Upon arrival, you must wash your hands and wear a face covering while indoors (or outdoors within 6’ of another team while entering the building.)


If interested please complete a registration form on arnicadia.com. All questions should be directed to my e-mail (arnicadia@gmail.com,) my main Facebook page (Cati Foss,) or my phone 503-468-2559 (text and voicemail accepted!) My class size is limited to 9 dogs only and on a first come first served basis!


Make sure that you bring your standard leash (retractable leashes are not allowed,) a collar or harness your dog CAN’T escape from, plenty of training treats, pick up bags, water, and a slightly hungry dog that is willing to learn as well as making sure I can get a copy of your dog’s current vaccinations if I don’t already have them on file! Be aware that no training aids are allowed during testing (including clickers, treats, calming aids, e-collars, etc. You can bring a corrective harness or halter to class, but they must test in a non-corrective collar or harness.) All teams must maintain a distance of 6′ or more from each other at all times unless otherwise specified for safe social distancing. Because classes are held outdoors, masks are not required, but if you prefer to wear one, that is fine!


AKC CGC has a 10-step test of skills that dogs must pass to earn the official AKC title and/or certificate. Participants must have a dog that is registered with the AKC if they wish to add a CGC title to their dog’s AKC name, but it is not necessary however for the class or testing and you can still get a certificate for CGC if you pass the test. As an important note: CGC does NOT make your dog a service dog as there is absolutely no certification process involved for a service dog; it is however a good preparation for public access training. This class is an excellent preparation for Therapy Dog training.

Canine Good Citizen

This AKC CGC prep class will meet for 5 weeks in a row for approximately 1 hour the first 4 weeks and for testing the 5th week for the dogs that don’t pass the test in week 4. Cost is $150 for all sessions. If all dogs pass on week 4, we can do CGCA/U or Trick Dog testing in week 5.


Class is held in the field just outside of Astoria Animal Hospital in the Lewis and Clark area of Astoria. 


If interested please complete a registration form on arnicadia.com. All questions should be directed to my e-mail (arnicadia@gmail.com,) my main Facebook page (Cati Foss,) or my phone 503-468-2559 (text and voicemail accepted!) My class size is limited to 10 dogs only and on a first come first served basis!


Make sure that you bring your standard leash (retractable leashes are not allowed,) a collar or harness your dog CAN’T escape from, plenty of training treats, pick up bags, water, and a slightly hungry dog that is willing to learn as well as making sure I can get a copy of your dog’s current vaccinations if I don’t already have them on file! Be aware that no training aids are allowed during testing (including clickers, treats, calming aids, e-collars, etc. You can bring a corrective harness or halter to class, but they must test in a non-corrective collar or harness.) All teams must maintain a distance of 6′ or more from each other at all times unless otherwise specified for safe social distancing. Because classes are held outdoors, masks are not required, but if you prefer to wear one, that is fine!


AKC CGC has a 10-step test of skills that dogs must pass to earn the official AKC title and/or certificate. Participants must have a dog that is registered with the AKC if they wish to add a CGC title to their dog’s AKC name, but it is not necessary however for the class or testing and you can still get a certificate for CGC if you pass the test. As an important note: CGC does NOT make your dog a service dog as there is absolutely no certification process involved for a service dog; it is however a good preparation for public access training. This class is an excellent preparation for Therapy Dog training.

Canine Good Citizen

This AKC CGC prep class will meet for 5 weeks in a row for approximately 1 hour the first 4 weeks and for testing the 5th week for the dogs that don’t pass the test in week 4. Cost is $125 for all sessions. If all dogs pass on week 4, we can do CGCU or Trick Dog testing in week 5.


Class is held in the field just outside of Astoria Animal Hospital in the Lewis and Clark area of Astoria. 


If interested please complete a registration form on arnicadia.com. All questions should be directed to my e-mail (arnicadia@gmail.com,) my main Facebook page (Cati Foss,) or my phone 503-468-2559 (text and voicemail accepted!) My class size is limited to 10 dogs only and on a first come first served basis!


Make sure that you bring your standard leash (retractable leashes are not allowed,) a collar or harness your dog CAN’T escape from, plenty of training treats, pick up bags, water, and a slightly hungry dog that is willing to learn as well as making sure I can get a copy of your dog’s current vaccinations if I don’t already have them on file! Be aware that no training aids are allowed during testing (including clickers, treats, calming aids, e-collars, etc. You can bring a corrective harness or halter to class, but they must test in a non-corrective collar or harness.) All teams must maintain a distance of 6′ or more from each other at all times unless otherwise specified for safe social distancing. Because classes are held outdoors, masks are not required, but if you prefer to wear one, that is fine!


AKC CGC has a 10-step test of skills that dogs must pass to earn the official AKC title and/or certificate. Participants must have a dog that is registered with the AKC if they wish to add a CGC title to their dog’s AKC name, but it is not necessary however for the class or testing and you can still get a certificate for CGC if you pass the test. As an important note: CGC does NOT make your dog a service dog as there is absolutely no certification process involved for a service dog; it is however a good preparation for public access training. This class is an excellent preparation for Therapy Dog training.

Canine Good Citizen

This AKC CGC prep class will meet for 4-5 weeks in a row for approximately 1 hour the first 4 weeks and for testing the 5th week for the dogs that don’t pass the test in week 4. Cost is $125 for all sessions. If all dogs pass on week 4, we can do CGCU or Trick Dog testing in week 5.


If interested please complete a registration form on arnicadia.com. All questions should be directed to my e-mail (arnicadia@gmail.com,) my main Facebook page (Cati Foss,) or my phone 503-468-2559 (text and voicemail accepted!) My class size is limited to 10 dogs only and on a first come first served basis!


Make sure that you bring your standard leash (retractable leashes are not allowed,) a collar or harness your dog CAN’T escape from, plenty of training treats, pick up bags, water, and a slightly hungry dog that is willing to learn as well as making sure I can get a copy of your dog’s current vaccinations if I don’t already have them on file! Be aware that no training aids are allowed during testing (including clickers, treats, calming aids, e-collars, etc. You can bring a corrective harness or halter to class, but they must test in a non-corrective collar or harness.)


AKC CGC has a 10-step test of skills that dogs must pass to earn the official AKC title and/or certificate. Participants must have a dog that is registered with the AKC if they wish to add a CGC title to their dog’s AKC name, but it is not necessary however for the class or testing and you can still get a certificate for CGC if you pass the test. As an important note: CGC does NOT make your dog a service dog as there is absolutely no certification process involved for a service dog; it is however a good preparation for public access training. This is the class I use to determine if I will send a dog to continue on with Therapy Dog training as well.

Canine Good Citizen

This AKC CGC prep class will meet for 4-5 weeks in a row for approximately 1 hour the first 4 weeks and for testing the 5th week for the dogs that don’t pass the test in week 4. Cost is $125 for all sessions. If all dogs pass on week 4, we can do CGCU or Trick Dog testing in week 5.


If interested please complete a registration form on arnicadia.com. All questions should be directed to my e-mail (arnicadia@gmail.com,) my main Facebook page (Cati Foss,) or my phone 503-468-2559 (text and voicemail accepted!) My class size is limited to 10 dogs only and on a first come first served basis!


Make sure that you bring your standard leash (retractable leashes are not allowed,) a collar or harness your dog CAN’T escape from, plenty of training treats, pick up bags, water, and a slightly hungry dog that is willing to learn as well as making sure I can get a copy of your dog’s current vaccinations if I don’t already have them on file! Be aware that no training aids are allowed during testing (including clickers, treats, calming aids, e-collars, etc. You can bring a corrective harness or halter to class, but they must test in a non-corrective collar or harness.)


AKC CGC has a 10-step test of skills that dogs must pass to earn the official AKC title and/or certificate. Participants must have a dog that is registered with the AKC if they wish to add a CGC title to their dog’s AKC name, but it is not necessary however for the class or testing and you can still get a certificate for CGC if you pass the test. As an important note: CGC does NOT make your dog a service dog as there is absolutely no certification process involved for a service dog; it is however a good preparation for public access training. This is the class I use to determine if I will send a dog to continue on with Therapy Dog training as well.


This AKC CGC prep class will meet for 4-5 weeks in a row for approximately 1 hour the first 4 weeks and for testing the 5th week for the dogs that don’t pass the test in week 4. Cost is $125 for all sessions. No class on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving! If all dogs pass on week 4, we can do CGCU or Trick Dog testing in week 5.
If interested please complete a registration form on arnicadia.com. All questions should be directed to my e-mail (arnicadia@gmail.com,) my main Facebook page (Cati Foss,) or my phone 503-468-2559 (text and voicemail accepted!) My class size is limited to 10 dogs only and on a first come first served basis!
Make sure that you bring your standard leash (retractable leashes are not allowed,) a collar or harness your dog CAN’T escape from, plenty of training treats, pick up bags, water, and a slightly hungry dog that is willing to learn as well as making sure I can get a copy of your dog’s current vaccinations if I don’t already have them on file! Be aware that no training aids are allowed during testing (including clickers, treats, calming aids, e-collars, etc. You can bring a corrective harness or halter to class, but they must test in a non-corrective collar or harness.)
AKC CGC has a 10-step test of skills that dogs must pass to earn the official AKC title and/or certificate. Participants must have a dog that is registered with the AKC if they wish to add a CGC title to their dog’s AKC name, but it is not necessary however for the class or testing and you can still get a certificate for CGC if you pass the test. As an important note: CGC does NOT make your dog a service dog as there is absolutely no certification process involved for a service dog; it is however a good preparation for public access training. This is the class I use to determine if I will send a dog to continue on with Therapy Dog training as well.

Canine Good Citizen

This AKC CGC prep class will meet for 4-5 weeks in a row for approximately 1 hour the first 4 weeks and for testing the 5th week for the dogs that don’t pass the test in week 4. Cost is $125 for all sessions.


If interested please complete a registration form on arnicadia.com. All questions should be directed to my e-mail (arnicadia@gmail.com,) my main Facebook page (Cati Foss,) or my phone 503-468-2559 (text and voicemail accepted!) My class size is limited to 10 dogs only and on a first come first served basis!


Make sure that you bring your standard leash (retractable leashes are not allowed,) a collar or harness your dog CAN’T escape from, plenty of training treats, pick up bags, water, and a slightly hungry dog that is willing to learn as well as making sure I can get a copy of your dog’s current vaccinations if I don’t already have them on file! Be aware that no training aids are allowed during testing (including clickers, treats, calming aids, e-collars, etc. You can bring a corrective harness or halter to class, but they must test in a non-corrective collar or harness.)


AKC CGC has a 10-step test of skills that dogs must pass to earn the official AKC title and/or certificate. Participants must have a dog that is registered with the AKC if they wish to add a CGC title to their dog’s AKC name, but it is not necessary however for the class or testing and you can still get a certificate for CGC if you pass the test. As an important note: CGC does NOT make your dog a service dog as there is absolutely no certification process involved for a service dog; it is however a good preparation for public access training. This is the class I use to determine if I will send a dog to continue on with Therapy Dog training as well.

Community Canine Good Citizen

This AKC CGCA prep class will meet for 4-5 weeks in a row for approximately 1 hour the first 4 weeks and for testing the 5th week for the dogs that don’t pass the test in week 4. Cost is $125 for all sessions.  


If interested please complete a registration form on arnicadia.com. All questions should be directed to my e-mail (arnicadia@gmail.com,) my main Facebook page (Cati Foss,) or my phone 503-468-2559 (text and voicemail accepted!) My class size is limited to 10 dogs only and on a first come first served basis!


Make sure that you bring your standard leash (retractable leashes are not allowed,) a collar or harness your dog CAN’T escape from, plenty of training treats, pick up bags, water, and a slightly hungry dog that is willing to learn as well as making sure I can get a copy of your dog’s current vaccinations if I don’t already have them on file! Be aware that no training aids are allowed during testing (including clickers, treats, calming aids, e-collars, etc. You can bring a corrective harness or halter to class, but they must test in a non-corrective collar or harness.)


AKC CGCA has a 10-step test of skills that dogs must pass to earn the official AKC title and/or certificate. Participants must have a dog that is registered with the AKC if they wish to add a CGCA title to their dog’s AKC name, and must have a current CGC on file. As an important note: CGC does NOT make your dog a service dog as there is absolutely no certification process involved for a service dog; it is however a good preparation for public access training. The CGCA test is extremely comparable the the Therapy Dog certification however and can be a good indicator of whether your dog could pass a test to work in hospitals and nursing homes!

Canine Good Citizen

This AKC CGC prep class will meet for 4-5 weeks in a row for approximately 1 hour the first 4 weeks and for testing the 5th week for the dogs that don’t pass the test in week 4. Cost is $125 for all sessions.


If interested please complete a registration form on arnicadia.com. All questions should be directed to my e-mail (arnicadia@gmail.com,) my main Facebook page (Cati Foss,) or my phone 503-468-2559 (text and voicemail accepted!) My class size is limited to 10 dogs only and on a first come first served basis!


Make sure that you bring your standard leash (retractable leashes are not allowed,) a collar or harness your dog CAN’T escape from, plenty of training treats, pick up bags, water, and a slightly hungry dog that is willing to learn as well as making sure I can get a copy of your dog’s current vaccinations if I don’t already have them on file! Be aware that no training aids are allowed during testing (including clickers, treats, calming aids, e-collars, etc. You can bring a corrective harness or halter to class, but they must test in a non-corrective collar or harness.)


AKC CGC has a 10-step test of skills that dogs must pass to earn the official AKC title and/or certificate. Participants must have a dog that is registered with the AKC if they wish to add a CGC title to their dog’s AKC name, but it is not necessary however for the class or testing and you can still get a certificate for CGC if you pass the test. As an important note: CGC does NOT make your dog a service dog as there is absolutely no certification process involved for a service dog; it is however a good preparation for public access training. This is the class I use to determine if I will send a dog to continue on with Therapy Dog training as well.

Canine Good Citizen

This AKC CGC prep class will meet for 4-5 weeks in a row (no class 7/7) for approximately 1 hour the first 4 weeks and for testing the 5th week for the dogs that don’t pass the test in week 4. Cost is $125 for all sessions.


If interested please complete a registration form on arnicadia.com. All questions should be directed to my e-mail (arnicadia@gmail.com,) my main Facebook page (Cati Foss,) or my phone 503-468-2559 (text and voicemail accepted!) My class size is limited to 10 dogs only and on a first come first served basis!


Make sure that you bring your standard leash (retractable leashes are not allowed,) a collar or harness your dog CAN’T escape from, plenty of training treats, pick up bags, water, and a slightly hungry dog that is willing to learn as well as making sure I can get a copy of your dog’s current vaccinations if I don’t already have them on file! Be aware that no training aids are allowed during testing (including clickers, treats, calming aids, e-collars, etc. You can bring a corrective harness or halter to class, but they must test in a non-corrective collar or harness.)


AKC CGC has a 10-step test of skills that dogs must pass to earn the official AKC title and/or certificate. Participants must have a dog that is registered with the AKC if they wish to add a CGC title to their dog’s AKC name, but it is not necessary however for the class or testing and you can still get a certificate for CGC if you pass the test. As an important note: CGC does NOT make your dog a service dog as there is absolutely no certification process involved for a service dog; it is however a good preparation for public access training. This is the class I use to determine if I will send a dog to continue on with Therapy Dog training as well.

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