Meet the Trainers
Cati Foss

Cati Foss (she/they) is a balanced trainer with a heavy focus on Conditioned Emotional Response, non-verbal communication skills, ergonomic handling, impulse control, and minor to major behavior modification. She can do primarily positive based if the dog and handler will benefit from it and it is not a safety risk. She offers a variety of training including Basic Manners, Rally Obedience, Scent Discrimination, Tracking, Tricks, and Therapy Dogs. Cati has been a certified trainer since 2013. She started in a Petco in Warrenton, OR to receive her official certification. Even though they really enjoyed the job, it just wasn’t as fulfilling as they would have hoped. In 2016, Cati was approached by the then owner of Arnicadia [Farms] Dog Training and offered the business. Cati has been showing, titling, and competing with dogs since 2016 and has earned several varied titles with her dogs.
Cati has since expanded the company to offer things like sport training for a wide range of interests. She has a strong drive to help build a working bond between dogs and owners/handlers through clear communication, fun and challenging activities, engaging the different types of potential within our companions, and building a valuable skill set for teams for the community as a whole. They believe that the health of the dog is founded on emotional, mental, social, and physical well being. While she does use food in training, there are times when food is not used so the focus is on how to build a relationship without the necessity for food on important behaviors. She does believe in the proper and humane use of corrections and all training tools and has studied with several handlers and show trainers to continue her education.
She currently has 2 children (Addison and Cadence,) 1 cat (Boo – Domestic Shorthair,) and 2 dogs (Lyra – Shetland Sheepdog, and Willow – Miniature American Shepherd) that occasionally help with training.
Heather Campbell

Heather Campbell (she/her) has been showing and training dogs for almost 30 years. She’s titled multiple dogs, in many different breeds including several ‘non traditional’ performance breeds. She primarily shows AKC with titles in Obedience, Rally, & Conformation. Heather has done rescue, and behavioral work and modifications through her own programs and others.
Through the years she’s developed a unique training style that is practical, and fun for both humans and dogs. The emphasis is on play, and creating a dog who is an engaged partner in every part of life. She utilizes all 4 quadrants of training, to teach solid foundational work eliminating frustration for both dogs and people. Heather believes each dog and handler team is an individual with focused needs. Some need clicker training, some need fair corrections, and every dog and handler moves through training at their own pace.
Her dogs work in public every day, and much of her training is on the companion part of training, with the goal of creating quiet, socialized dogs who are reliable and welcome anywhere they go. She currently offers puppy, and basic classes focusing on fun, socializing and engagement through play training. Private lessons are also available.
Heather lives on a hobby farm in Long Beach WA, where she also operates a brick and mortar yarn shop. She currently has Jack, a multi titled Great Pyrenees, Aria a Shetland Sheepdog, and Sully, Finnegan and Ramses 3 very spoiled miniature poodles.
You can find Heather’s schedule and pay for classes through her at
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