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December 2038

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Class Registration

Classes are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. A spot will not be held until payment is received or a screenshotted or submitted form is sent to Trainer. Please bring current vaccination records to the first class or send a text or email with a clear picture so trainer can verify Rabies vaccination for all dogs 6 months or older and current puppy shots for all dogs under 6 months of age. Dogs are required by law in the state of Oregon and in the state of Washington to have up to date rabies vaccinations. There are no other mandated vaccinations in either state at this time, but there are several that are recommended. A combination core vaccine containing protection against parvo virus, distemper virus, adenovirus and hepatitis should be given at 8, 10 and 12 weeks of age, and then repeated annually. Some veterinarians may switch to a 3-year vaccination schedule after a dog reaches 2 years of age. Additional vaccines may include leptospirosis on a similar schedule. For dogs that are going to spend time in boarding facilities or with lots of other dogs, a bordetella vaccine to prevent kennel cough is recommended, at least annually as is the canine influenza vaccine for canine influenza.

SERVICES PROVIDED (Group): Classes are taught by Cati Foss (“Trainer”) , a professional balanced dog trainer and AKC approved CGC, Trick Dog, and Temperament evaluator. Classes are limited to no more than 10 dogs (there can potentially be more than 10 if a client is making up a lesson) and no less than 3 dogs so that personal attention may be given to each dog-handler team, but the teams will still learn in a valuable social environment. All owners are responsible for providing treats for their dog during classes, while Trainer does occasionally use their own treats with the dogs, if you fail to bring treats, Trainer can provide treats on a limited basis. Trainer, at their discretion, may refuse entry to any dog for group classes which is not healthy, is human or dog aggressive, or does not seem suitable for the services provided. Any class missed is forfeited unless arranged in advance with Trainer before the lesson. (Policy exceptions include: 1) showing symptoms of Coronavirus, testing positive for Coronavirus, being contact traced to someone who has tested positive in the last 2 weeks. Any other contagious illness such as the flu or pneumonia can also arrange a make up. Those dealing with Chronic illnesses that have flare ups, etc. may also arrange a make up on short notice. 2) death in the family or of a pet. 3) Owner or member of immediate family being hospitalized. 4) Emergency veterinary services needed for a pet. 5) Anything that specifically prevents you from getting to your lesson such as bridge closure, vehicle failure, landslides, flooding, inclement dangerous weather. 6) Trainer needing to reschedule due to the same things.) Classes will potentially have idle time where Trainer is explaining concepts, you may use that time to quietly work with your dog if you choose. Trainer may potentially recommend various training tools during the course of training. You may choose not to use a tool, but understand that Trainer makes recommendations based on what is observed during lessons and what will potentially affect the safety and emotional well being of all participants. The only devices specifically not permitted in classes outside of Tracking are back clip harnesses without Trainer specific approval.

SERVICES PROVIDED (Private): Lessons are taught by Cati Foss (“Trainer”) , a professional balanced dog trainer and AKC approved CGC, Trick Dog, and Temperament evaluator.  All owners are responsible for providing treats for their dog during classes, Trainer does occasionally use their own treats with the dogs. Trainer, at their discretion, may refuse entry to any dog for lessons which is not healthy, or does not seem suitable for the services provided. There is a 72 hour cancellation policy in which you may reschedule or cancel an appointment without financial penalty. If you contact Trainer less than 72 hours in advance for a single lesson (unless otherwise agreed upon by Trainer and Owner,) the cost incurred to cancel is $40 and must be paid before a new lesson can be scheduled. Any class missed in a series of 5 lessons is forfeited unless arranged in advance with Trainer per the 72 hour policy. (Policy exceptions include: 1) showing symptoms of Coronavirus, testing positive for Coronavirus, being contact traced to someone who has tested positive in the last 2 weeks, waiting on COVID-19 test results, reaction to COVID-19 vaccination. Any other contagious illness such as the flu or pneumonia can also reschedule. Those dealing with Chronic illnesses that have flare ups, etc. may also arrange a reschedule on short notice. 2) death in the family or of a pet. 3) Owner or member of immediate family being hospitalized or having a medical emergency. 4) Emergency veterinary services needed for a pet. 5) Anything that specifically prevents you or Trainer from getting to your lesson such as bridge closure, vehicle failure, landslides, flooding, inclement dangerous weather, dangerous or closed road conditions. 6) Trainer needing to cancel or reschedule due to the same things.) Trainer may potentially recommend various training tools during the course of training. You may choose not to use a tool, but understand that Trainer makes recommendations based on what is observed during lessons and what will potentially affect the safety and emotional well being of all participants.

PAYMENT: Payment is due prior to the start of training for group classes and by the end of the first lesson for private lessons (or each lesson if you pay 1 at a time for private lessons.) No refunds will be given for training if the start of training as agreed upon with purchase has commenced (on bulk purchases of group lessons, this applies to only the very first lesson in the entire series purchased and classes will be forfeited if you choose not to finish the package of classes.) Owner and Trainer will confer on private lesson scheduling. A refund can be provided for an entire series of group lessons that need to be cancelled by the trainer if they cannot be rescheduled in a reasonable timeframe (resonable being within the year) or if your purchase cannot be transferred to private lessons or a different group class type. You are responsible for checking the schedule on the website if you start a class in a series. You may ask Trainer to delay the start of training for your dog or the continuation of training at any time and your place will be held until training can be rescheduled. You may ask Trainer for a refund of private lessons if the Initial consultation has not taken place yet and you paid in advance to reserve a spot. Accepted forms of online payment are debit/credit, Facebook pay, Cashapp or PayPal. Cash, checks, and money orders will be accepted by the end of the first lesson with the caveat that a bounced check or cancelled cashiers check will result in a returned check fee of $50 to be paid additionally and immediately upon notification.

REMOVAL FROM TRAINING: Trainer, at his/her sole discretion, may remove a dog from class or a lesson if a hazard or threat of any nature to any other animal or person is presented while dog is in the training location, or if the owner fails to provide appropriate distance from other dogs or immediately perceived danger on a habitual basis or that a team is deliberately disturbing class. No refund or class transfers will be given under such circumstances. If the trainer determines that a particular team is not suitable for the type of training service being provided, the team will be removed from the class. No refund will be given under such circumstances, but the owner may elect to transfer to a different type of class (and payment difference will need to be settled before resuming lessons and can be discussed with trainer.) Participants in either group or private lessons that decide to persue training under a trainer outside of Arnicadia during the course of their lessons without the express guidance of either Trainer or their employees/agents will forfeit the remainder of their lessons. No refunds will be provided in these circumstances, this is due to the fact that there are simply too many conflicting types of training and advice. We want what is best for you and your dog and do not condone over training or trying to speed up training with too many different opinions/methods at the same time. All contracts become null and void if not completed within 1 year with a notable exception being made for part time residents or in the event that Trainer must cancel lessons on a long term basis or if handler/dog is sick/injured and incapable of training on a long term basis (at which point lessons will be on hiatus until Trainer is able to resume, but a set date must be given to resume.)

CLEANLINESS: Owner is responsible for the removal of excrement that their pet is responsible for. Trainer does not provide cleaning supplies. Owner is responsible for providing pick-up bags and properly disposing of them. All bags need to be disposed of in an approved receptacle.

LIABILITY: Owner agrees to indemnify and hold Trainer and Trainer’s employees/agents harmless from all liability for any loss, damage or injury to persons, animals or property arising from or related to Owner’s pet. Owner agrees that Trainer shall not be liable for loss or damage to animal for any reason unless said loss or damage was a direct result of Trainer’s negligence. At no point in time are any dogs enrolled in group lessons recommended by the trainer to interact with one another within a range of less than 6 feet on leash (the exception is for specific items being covered as detailed by Trainer,) and no such interactions are advised to be prolonged. Owner is responsible for keeping an eye on their surroundings to avoid human and/or animal injury and will not hold Trainer or property owners (if applicable,) liable for any such instances of injury.

In the event that you can’t get the form to submit, you can also e-mail or text a completed and signed screenshotted group enrollment or private enrollment form to:

arnicadia@gmail.com or 503-468-2559

Continue with online form if you agree with the above terms.

Online form

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