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March 2025

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Disclaimer: Arnicadia Dog Training is a balanced dog training company, which means we advocate for the use of all 4 quadrants of operant conditioning as well as neutral reinforcement and neutral punishment, we believe in behavioral science based on an opportunistic predatory creature that is NOT a human. We use ALL training tools ethically, humanely, and purposefully. If a tool such as a prong collar or eCollar is not for you, that is okay, but be aware that we use them, advocate for their use, and are aware that not everyone agrees with their usage. You have to communicate with us if there are tools you refuse to use, but understand that if you don’t refuse we will potentially recommend a tool for you based on what we see in that moment in time with your dog and your handling style. Our priority is always safety of you, the humans around you, and other animals around your dog as well as your dog’s emotional well being. Yes, correction is a part of our programs, and yes reward is a part of our programs. Cati is well versed in Conditioned Emotional Response, which is a psychological behavioral approach to training that encompassed the emotional, mental, social, and physical needs of your dog. Heather is a LIMA Trainer, which is Least Invasive Minimally Aversive (meaning more reward oriented whenever possible.)

Therapy Dog Classes: this is a free training service that is available to the public with an important note that dogs MUST have a CGC or a passed Therapy Dog evaluation on record to participate. These classes are sponsored through Angels on a Leash via Providence Seaside, and Columbia Memorial Hospital. You must contact Cati prior to attending if you are not already part of a registered Therapy team so they can help determine if this is an appropriate class for you.

Private training: learn how to work with your dog with no other clients present. We can address common missing exposure like children as well as practicing in a highly distracting environment when necessary. Reactive and Aggressive dogs must attend private training and will not be allowed in group classes until such a time as determined the dog is safe for a group environment. For pricing, please see the registration page.

Group classes: There are many types of classes for dogs and handlers of all skill levels. For pricing, please see the registration page or look at the information below the calendar for more details! For Heather’s classes, please check out the Facebook page.

Half Day Board and Train: want to make sure your dog’s training is getting started on the right foot? Don’t want to leave your dog in the kennel all day while you’re at work and want to enrich their day so they come home tired and more well mannered? This is a great option for you! Spots are limited as the dog gets priority over most of Cati’s day. A nonrefundable deposit must be paid to reserve a slot with the trainer.

Cost break down available on request. Half day Board and Train services average 4 hours, but can go up to 8 hours for a full work day. Anything longer than 8 hours must be paid as a full Board and Train day.

Board and Train: going away for a weekend? A week? A month? Want to be sure all the hard work you put into your companion doesn’t diminish while you are gone? Want to advance your dog’s training in a fun and enriching way while you’re away? Select dogs can come live with Cati while you are away as long as they meet specific criteria (must not be aggressive or reactive, must be able to be managed around children, a medium/small dog, and a cat. Dog must be able to sleep overnight in a closed crate, must be able to ride safely in a car, and owner must be reachable during their dog’s boarding in case Cati needs to confirm something or update you on your dog’s visit.) Space is limited in the boarding program as they will be living and travelling with me, so I need to be certain my schedule will be clear for your dog as best as possible! All fees must be paid in advance before dropping off dog. There is a non-refundable deposit that is included in the fee in the event of a cancellation.

No guarantees on what dogs can do at the end of boarding, but they will be guaranteed to be worked on social skills around dogs, adults, children, multiple environments. They will be worked on place, long sits and downs, leash manners, threshold manners, crating, slip leash and muzzle desensitization for the groomer and vet, participation in any group or private lesson in which they will help or are able to do the required skill set.

Cost breakdown available on request. Deposit required to book.

A note about service dogs and training: while I do my best to help educate those interested in learning more about service dogs, I do NOT train service dogs. Please note that public access training is a key factor in determining *if* your dog could potentially be a service dog and I can help with that to a degree. Most dogs being declared as service dogs could not pass a simple public access test and this is where I put my focus to help eradicate fake service dogs. I advocate heavily for proper temperament and training for anyone seeking help with training a Service Dog. If your dog can successfully complete public access training, then you can find a trainer that can help you provide the specific tasks your dog will need to mitigate your disability if the task isn’t already trained. If I determine that a dog will not make a good service dog or it is discovered that the dog is too reactive/aggressive to proceed with training, trainer will not vouch for said dog in any type of written verification in the event of a dispute, no training fees will be refunded for those that do not pass training. Trainer will NOT work with Service Dog hopefuls with any noticeable behavior problems that affect the temperamental stability of the dog. Please note that there is NO certification for service dogs and no doctors’ note can make a dog a service dog. For more information, please read the ADA website or contact the ADA about rights and requirements about Service Dogs and Emotional Support Animals. Be aware that Emotional Support Animals have NO public access rights and I will do my best to determine if your need is Service or Emotional Support if you are unsure.


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